
Feast Your Eyes: On Dee-zai-na Do-na-tsu

Every once in a while, it is my intrinsic obligation to stray away from the menswear path and talk about issues that are more pertinent in this world: DONUTS. Now feast your eyes on this designer high end donut concept collection called Cafe Andonand from Japan's finest: Mister Donut. I've said it once and I'll say it again: with a donut in each hand, anything is possible.

"Granite" cream filled donut: 230 yen = roughly 2 dollars

"Vienna-style" brat donuts: honey, caramel sugar, chocolate, maple glaze- 180 yen
Patisserie donut: espresso afogado, raspberry afogado - 400 yen

Premium: blueberry cream cheese, maple almond, rich chocolate, chocolate cranberry, red bean?, apple cinnamon roll - 280 yen/ 250 yen
Classic chocolate: cassis orange, chocolat, caramel almond - 180 yen
Classic: maple, lemon tea, mix berry - 180 yen
As you can see, the Japanese don't eff around with their flavors. Japan is Willy Wonka in the flesh. To top it off, what would a couture collection be without a surprise ending (or beginning)? I present to you naan dogs (350 yen). Don't worry all you high powered white collar executives who don't have time to stop and sit down for breakfast: they also feature a morning naan dog with eggs atop a weiner wrapped in naan bread (280 yen). Feast your eyes on this multicultural melting pot of God knows how many edible ethnic varieties coming together for the people:

Naan dog: Morning, plain, chili, ratatouille, pizza
And if you're a fashionista who can't wrap their head around the magic of donuts, then enjoy some pieces from Jeremy Scott's Food Fight collection for non-edible but still beautiful donuts:

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